The noise deafens the ears. After some time the hubbub blares like a metropolitan cacophony and smothers each individual sound. For the sake of remaining perceivable in this pervasive drone, one must give vent likewise. Especially for this reason several road signs are put up in the city centre of Cairo, but their meaning remains
open, unfortunately: ‘Do not honk’ anyhow, is ruled out. ‘Try the hooter here!’, ‘Does your horn still work?’, ‘Do not drive with defective buzzer’ are possible clarifications.
The Urban Beautician longs only for peace! She throws the switch to reduce acoustic levels to the minimum, to silence the noise for just one moment.
Performance to camera, Sha’a Talat Harb, Wust El-Balad, Cairo, 10th of May 2007

Camera: Sebastian Pelz
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